The Sauna Is Not Available For Public Use
At this Time
Based in the heart of the Catskill mountains, near the Belleayre Ski Center, on the slopes of mountains rising from Elk Creek in Halcott Center, New York, the Elk Creek Sauna features traditional wood fired heat, a relaxing atmosphere and spectacular views of the Catskill mountains. The sauna is particularly helpful for promoting relaxation, reduction of stress and in cleansing the body of toxins. After a day of skiing or hiking in the woods, a sauna can be an exceptionally restoring experience. The Elk Creek Sauna features traditional cordwood construction with an earthen roof. Sauna heat is generated using the traditional Finnish technique dating back to the 8th Century. Because a fire is built for each sauna session, advance notice is helpful. Want your own cordwood sauna or additional information about having your own cordwood structure built? Please contact Elk Creek Sauna.
The benches are made of hemlocks grown only miles from the sauna and milled and cured nearby before sanding, planing and installation.
"Elämä ilman saunaa tuntuu minusta mahdottomalta." "The sauna… Is an apotheosis of all experience: Purgatory and paradise; earth and fire; fire and water; sin and forgiveness. It is lyrical ecstasy. It is resurrection from the dead. It is eternal new birth… You are healed, you are made new." -- Constance Malleson from her book, "In the North: Autobiographical Fragments of Norway, Sweden, Finland: 1936-1946."